Cheese sandwiches, Photo by Sander Säde
One of my favorite comfort foods has no real name.. at least, not that I know of. We just call them “cheese-mayo-sour-cream sandwiches”.
I got this recipe from Sander, who likes them quite a lot, and has been making them since he was in pre-school. I have become rather addicted to these little yummy things. Mmmmy cheesey goodness!
There are no real measurements with this recipe – experiment with what works best for you, and what tastes best to you.
Cheese-Mayo-Sour Cream-Sandwiches
Grated cheese ? Use one or more of your favorite cheeses. I use Cheddar, Monterey, Gouda, American ? any kind of cheese will work. I often mix different cheeses together for this recipe ? A bit of cheddar, a bit of munster, a bit of cream cheese, a bit of parmesan. No real rules to the type of cheese that can be used. However, Bleu styled cheeses don?t work well in this application
Sour cream – about 1/2 a cup
Mayo – about 1/2 a cup – though I usually use 2/3 a cup myself, as I like the flavor
Any type of seasoning you like ? Dill, curry, red pepper flakes, garlic – try your favorites
Bread ? I often have used white, wheat, italian, french or challah to make this – use your favorite
Mix everything together and spread it on bread. Bake at 400F until cheese is bubbly and golden brown.
Serve immediately.
Store these in plastic wrap or foil in the refrigerator. Re-heat in the oven at 400F until warmed through or serve cold.
Some variations and additions:
Add a bit of salami, pepperoni, diced ham or chicken to the mix
A thin sliced tomato
Thin sliced black olives
Leftover sausage, crumbled
Try different types of cheeses and seasonings.. for example, try Parmesan, Romano, Mozzarella and garlic.
Thanks to Sander for the included picture
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